Thursday, March 12, 2009

Meaning of a post grad life

Every weekday, every weekend is the same variation on a theme, the same basic blocks of "work," "eat," "sleep," "drink," and "party" shuffled around over and over again.

[(work, eat, sleep) x 4 + (work, eat, drink, party) + (sleep, eat, eat, drink, party) + (sleep, eat, eat, sleep) ] x 52 weeks x ??? years = a young post-grad life

Though I don't ascribe by this straight equations as I don't have the tolerance for drinking nor the time to party, this is one of the quintessential leitmotifs of many yuppie lives.   

What more is there to do?
Volunteer -- For what cause?
Learn -- What?  there's so much to cover
Read -- Which books?  Blogs?  etc.?
Exercise -- Which sports?

I think I need a vacation.   But a vacation is only a temporary escape--and many times, you can't completely leave your current life as you remain constantly connected through email and phone.  Leave and come back within a 2 week vacation window.  When one returns from vacation,  everything is the same.  Same job (hopefully still there), same routines, same relationships, etc.
You must face the same troubles, the same fears.

I am grateful for my life -- that I have freedom and support.  But I also need something more.  This is human nature, to want to better oneself, to want to improve, and to want to do something more.


Kwan said...

[(work + workout + eat + study+ sleep) x 5 + (study + eat + sleep) x 2 x 52 weeks x 1 year] + [(work + workout + eat + sleep) x 4 + (eat + drink + sleep) x 2] = life a young post-grad on the hunt for a CPA

Zach said...

I met a medical resident on my travels in Nicaragua who gets 3 weeks off a year (and works 60-80 hrs/wk otherwise). when a week comes, he searches for the cheapest airfare out of Cleveland to a destination he'd never gone to before, and would fly out and just explore and take a total break from the stresses of Western life (sans email, phone, etc...). Worth a thought :P