Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wind knocked out

I finally know what "Getting your wind knocked out" feels like.  While running along the West Side River today, I tripped when jumping across some benches.  My knee hit the pavement and my chest the park benches hard.  In fact, the impact was so hard that I could barely talk for the next couple of minutes.  I wasn't extremely hurt, but I could only nod and give a half smile when passerbyers asked if I were okay.  Even now, my chest still slightly aches.  I've never been in any fights, so this my version of understanding how having your wind knocked out feels.  

A second learning from that run is that New Yorkers -- three people stopped to ask if I were alright.  We're all busy individuals in our own personal worlds, and I was very grateful for these strangers' concern.   Thank you strangers who I do not know, just receiving your acknowledgement made me feel better.  Runners code.  We stick by each other.

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